Monday, July 23, 2012

Common Quality Standards in SDLC

If Common Quality Standards for an Software application is followed or practiced in the Quality Process then a lot of bugs and cost can be avoided.
It has been some time working with a software firm in the Quality Assurance Team and over the period of time could notice that there were some known bugs while delivering the product to the client and one of the reason being communication gap, since we were a small team then could not realize them but when we started growing we had all these problems cropping up.

So we took up the challenge to create a process which involves quality from the beginning of the SDLC which yielded results and would like to share with all of you and this is not a generalized one i.e all the process are dependent on the company so feel fee to change them where ever you want and us it.

We all know that in a Software Development Life Cycle we have different phases and also different models or methodologies being followed like water fall, iterative, Rapid, Agile and V Model to name a few. In any methodology if we do not ensure some method of quality in each phase than we end up creating more bug than which ought to have if any.

Below are the different phases of development and what all should be there in each phase from a QA perspective

Requirements gathering Phase

During this phase the gathered requirements should be verified to see that they are true and meet the user/client needs.

The requirements captured are to be Complete, Correct, Precise, Unambiguous and clear, Consistent, Relevant, Testable.

Analysis Phase

It is always better at this stage to suggest any changes or add a new feature which will help improve the application (without affecting the estimates and cost of the project). This will help a lot in reducing many of the bug’s the QC/Client’s reports later. To do this, the Team’s should be well knowledgeable in the project and requires thorough analysis of the project.

Design Phase

During this phase the design/prototype should be verified to see that the design achieves the objectives of the requirements as well as the design being effective and efficient by design walk throughs, design inspections.

The QA team should come up with the Test Plan mentioning all that will be carried out in testing

Coding Phase

During this phase all the laid down coding standards should be followed strictly, following of UI standards, naming conventions to be accurate.

The QA should come up with test cases using the requirements and also following what is been said in the test Plan

Testing Phase

All the Test Cases should be executed for carrying out functional/integration/regression testing primarily and mark in the Test cases whether “Passed” or “Failed”.


If the two groups work closely together, the high level of risk at a project’s inception will decrease to an acceptable level by the project’s conclusion.

For further more detailed information on this topic look up
Quality Standard for a Software Project

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